Clubs & Competitions

Clubs & Competitions

Aviation & Aerospace Magnet students are given the opportunity to sign up for clubs and competitions before, after school or at home.  Some of these offerings include, SECME Team, Chess Club, Gardening Club, Art Club, Theatre Club, Life Skills Club, Solar Club, Pen Pal Club, along with the regular offerings at the school such as Dramatic Education, tutoring and Boys & Girls Club.

Energy Whiz Virtual Event by Florida Solar Energy Center-UCF

One more time our school is represented by extraordinary people! Our students are participating in this showcase competition with SEVEN great projects. Please, please, please, SUPPORT them with your comments, ENJOY the event, and WISH our scholars good luck! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!


The projects are:

Energy Transfer Machine

  1. Digestive Motion
  2. Drip Irrigation System

Critter Comfort Cottage

  1. Critter Cat
  2. Team Caterpillar Castle

Junior Solar Sprint

  1. Double Trouble
  2. Lightning Speed
  3. Suntraction

Chess Club
Pawn Chess Tournament

Gardening Club
Planting on a Napkin